Upload Your Files

Upload Artwork

This page is designed to make it easy for you to share documents, artwork, and other files with us as we work together on your eBoutique and commercial projects. Whether you're submitting designs for your products, important documents, or any other materials that support your project, you can do it all here quickly and securely.

How to Use This Page:

  1. Locate Your eBoutique ID: This will be used in place of the PO# (on the below form) to help us properly associate your files with your project.
  2. Select Your Files: You can upload files in various formats.
  3. Submit Your Files: Once you upload your files, they will be directly sent to our team for review and integration into your project.

We're here to assist every step of the way, so if you encounter any issues or have questions about file submissions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for choosing Horizon Promotion for your eBoutique and commercial needs. We look forward to seeing your creative ideas come to life!
